Department of Computer Science & Mathematics

Topology Research Group

Nipissing University


Logan Hoehn

Assistant professor

Research interests: General and Geometric Topology (continuum theory, logic and set theory), Dynamical Systems

Alex Karassev

Associate professor

Research interests: General and Geometric Topology (dimension theory, asymptotic topology, infinite-dimensional topology, continuous selections, continuum theory), Functional Analysis (algebraic properties of spaces of functions, ranks of C*-algebras)


Ihor Stasyuk

Postdoctoral fellow

Research interests: General and Geometric Topology (function spaces, metric spaces, selections, extension operators)

Murat Tuncali


Research interests: General and Geometric Topology (dimension theory, continuum theory), Dynamical Systems

Vesko Valov


Research interests: General and Geometric Topology (dimension theory, infinite-dimensional topology, continuous selections, homogeneous spaces), Functional Analysis (algebraic properties of spaces of functions, ranks of C*-algebras, spaces of measures)

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 Fields Institute


Topology Atlas

The Geometry Center

Please send your comments to
Alex Karassev at

Last updated
July 28, 2012